The 5 Solid Ways to Promote your Websites for the Cash

Promoting your mini-site, website doesn't have to be expensive and cumbersome. As a matter of fact, if you stick to these 5 strategies you will get more than enough traffic to your mini-site, website to create a pretty healthy income.

#1.- Place Classifieds in High-circulated ezines.

This simple but highly effective strategy can easily jump-start your business the very same day the classified is run. Ezine ads (when crafted properly) can bring in large amounts of pre-qualified traffic to your website....and you will be converting a large percentage of those visitors into paying customers.

The trick is finding high-circulation ezines that target your niche. you can use to do your own search on Ezine advertisement)

#2.- Start an Affiliate Program

Starting an affiliate program is another way to generate thousands of hits to your website. And the great news is that you don't need to have your own merchant account to do it may use a third party processing system like, and and still be able to do it well.

you need to keep in mind one thing. if the product or service you are offering from your website has a high price (usually $100 is a high price for mini-sites), you can offer a 40-60% commission for it... however, if your product has a low price within the range of $20-$49, you will need to offer affiliates an ever higher commission payout like 50-75%--you will earn big money through the volume of sales you'll generate and your program will be very popular.

A good but not very used practice is to open up your affiliate program to your paying customers only..... it is up to you to decide whether this would work with your mini-site.

The script i use to handle my afiliate programs is called "The Ultimate Affiliate". It is an excellent script developed by Steve Miles and I'm very comfortable with it.... you can find more information about it at

#3.- Give away Freebies

Giving away freebies is one of the most effective ways you canmake your visitors come back to your website. The best freebies are special reports or booklets that provide useful information to the user..... and contain links back to your site of course.

Giving freebies away can benefit you, but there are smarter tactics for giving away free stuff.

Here are the four that I like the most:

1)Start your own newsletter and offer the freebies to new subscribers. This gives you a chance to contact your prospects anytime you wish and make announcements of your other products.

2) Use one of those "Tell a friend" scripts and ask them to tell two or three friends before getting the booklet or e-Book. Using this techinique may cause your traffic to explode exponentially.

3) Get them to bookmark (or even better, to create a shortcut) to your site in exchange for the freebie. This is done with an excellent product I just found out called "see you again shortcuts" visit the website now and signup for a FREE trial... you will see why this will soon become a well-know killer strategy.

4)Ask them to enter their email address and use it to send them your autoresponder sequence...this will raise your sales a lot.

#4.- Join and Participate in Discussion Groups

In my opinion this is one of the most underestimated traffic-building strategies ever. When you join and participate in forums and discussion groups related to the niche topic, you are in the eyes of everyone who reads that group.

Just one good post with your signature file is all it takes tomake hundrends of prospects interested in your site. Plus you've got to remember two things:

1) Forums are composed by hundreds,sometimes even thousands of individuals, but only few of them participate... be one of the TOP percentage to take advantage of this interesting tactics.

2) Once you post your thoughts, your posting will remain there for any newcomers to that group will still be able to read it. I can't think of any other advertising method that lasts so long online.

#5.- Create Joint Ventures

Find any online businesses that target your same niche but don't compete with you directly and talk to them. create a venture where you are going to promote their products to your customer list and have them do thesame for yours. Both parties can track each other's ads and see how profitable this kind of venture is.

The real power behind joint ventures is a personalized and honest refferal. You will tell your customers how the products of XYZ company have helped you out and offer them a few tips on how to use the products better. when a recommendation is personal and honest, people tend to pay much more attention... don't try to sell the products to your prospects... just tell them about it and believe me they will buy it without delay.

to your online success & traffic building.

Emmanuel Orakwe.

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